DRV602PWR ,3-Vrms DirectPath™ Pop-Free Variable Input Gain Line Driver with Diff Inputs 14-TSSOP -40 to 85These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
DRV603 ,3-Vrms DirectPath™ Pop-Free Variable Input Gain Line Driver with Diff Inputs 14-TSSOP -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = 25°C (unless otherwise noted)APARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX U ..
DRV603PW ,3-Vrms DirectPath™ Pop-Free Variable Input Gain Line Driver with Diff Inputs 14-TSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTION234• DirectPath™The DRV603PW is a 3-V pop-free stereo lineRMSdriver designed to ..
DRV603PWR ,3-Vrms DirectPath™ Pop-Free Variable Input Gain Line Driver with Diff Inputs 14-TSSOP -40 to 85These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
DRV604 ,DirectPath?2Vrms Line Driver & Headphone Amp with Adjustable GainFEATURES APPLICATIONS• LCD and PDP TV23• DirectPath™• Blu-ray Disc™, DVD Players– Eliminates Pop/Cl ..
DRV604PWPR ,DirectPath? 2Vrms Line Driver & Headphone Amp with Adjustable Gain 28-HTSSOP -40 to 85These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
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3-Vrms DirectPath Pop-Free Variable Input Gain Line Driver with Diff Inputs
www.ti.com SLOS572D –DECEMBER 2008–REVISED OCTOBER 2010
DirectPath™, Pop-Free 3Vrms Line Driver with Adjustable Gain
Checkfor Samples: DRV602Designed using TI's patented DirectPath™
1FEATUREStechnology, the DRV602is capableof driving 3Vrms
234• DirectPath™ intoa 2.5kΩ load with 5V supply voltage. The device
– Eliminates Pop/Clicks has differential inputs and uses external gain setting
resistors, that supportsa gain rangeof ±1V/Vto
– Eliminates Output DC-Blocking Capacitors±10V/V. The useof external gain resistors also allows
– Provides Flat Frequency Response the implementationofa 2nd order low pass filterto
20Hz–20kHz compliment DAC's and SOC converters. The line
• Low Noise and THD outputof the DRV602 has ±8kV IEC ESD protection.
The DRV602 (referredto as the '602) has built-in
– SNR> 102 dBshutdown control for pop-free on/off control.
– Typical VN< 15 mVms
Using the DRV602in audio products can reduce
– THD+N< 0.05%20 Hz–20 kHzcomponent count comparedto traditional methodsof
• Output Voltage into 2.5-kΩ Load generatinga 3Vrms output. The DRV602 doesn't
– 2 Vrms with 3.3-V Supply Voltage requirea power supply greater than 5Vto generate
its 8.5VPP output, nor doesit requirea split rail power
– 3 Vrms with 5-V Supply Voltagesupply. The DRV602 integratesits own charge pump
• 3Vrms Output Voltage into 2.5 kΩ Load With5V• DifferentialAPPLICATIONS• Set-Top• PDP• Blu-ray• HomeDESCRIPTIONThe DRV602PW