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IDT72241L10J IDT N/a 2 CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72241L10J N/a 705 CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9

IDT72241L10J , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72241L10PF , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72241L15J , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72241L15J , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
IDT72241-L15J , CMOS SyncFIFOO 64 X 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1024 X 9, 2048 X 9 and 4096 x 9
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